Cyber Risk Solutions

Quickly understand your Security Health status

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Cyber Risk Score
Issues and Findings
IT Profile
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Subscription-Fee / Price
Your Own Risk portal
On Demand
EUR 239.99 / year
360 Cyber Risk Monitoring
EUR 74.99 / month
Your Cyber Risk Score
One Off
EUR 99.99

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Your Own Risk Portal

Navigating the complex cybersecurity landscape for SMEs can be daunting. Our dedicated SME portal is specifically designed to simplify this process, offering a clear and comprehensive overview of your cybersecurity status. With this portal, you can access an external assessment of your organization, view your Cyber Risk Score, and explore detailed reports pinpointing vulnerabilities. Understand your IT profile with prioritized insights based on asset value and issue severity, and receive targeted recommendations for remediation. This tool equips you with the necessary knowledge to effectively combat cyber threats and embark confidently on your digital journey, all tailored to the unique challenges of today’s online environments.

Our innovative cyber risk assessment tool is carefully designed to meet the complex requirements of today’s online environments, and includes the following components:

Cyber Risk Portal SME

Cyber Risk Rating

A concise rating of the security status of your online environment that enables you to quickly assess the health and safety of your digital assets.

Holistic security profile

Get an exhaustive list of vulnerabilities ranked considering both the asset value and the severity of the issue. This empowers you to allocate resources where they're needed most

Detailed IT Profile

A complete catalog of your internet-facing systems. This extensive list includes hosting details, such as provider names, locations, and number of systems connected to each provider, and ensures you are always informed of the current status.

Downloadable vulnerability reports

Documentation is critical for audits and compliance checks. With our platform, you can download detailed reports on identified vulnerabilities, making compliance easy.

High-level remediation suggestions

Our solution doesn’t just alert you to vulnerabilities, it helps you fix them. Benefit from high-level recommendations, designed by experts, to patch weaknesses and strengthen your digital security.

12 month subscription – paid in advance
EUR 239.99 / year

Stay ahead of cyber threats. Efficiently secure your digital presence with precision and clarity.

360 Cyber Risk Monitoring

Receive a comprehensive cyber risk report directly in your email every month with our monitoring and assessment service. Designed for businesses seeking top-tier digital security, it offers proactive protection, consistent oversight, and expert guidance to enhance your cybersecurity strategy.

360 Cyber Risk Monitoring

Ongoing cyber risk assessment

Your organization’s Cyber Risk Rating is monitored and refreshed monthly, so you are always up-to-date with the current status of your digital environment.

Detailed monthly reports

Comprehensive monthly reports that break down all identified issues and risks. With this knowledge, you can make informed decisions about your ongoing cybersecurity strategy.

Dedicated Support

Benefit from our 8x5 full support, staffed by seasoned cybersecurity specialists ready to guide, advise, and assist you throughout your cybersecurity journey

Monthly subscription
EUR 74.99 / month

Your Cyber Risk Score

How does Your Cyber Risk Score work

Elevate your cyber risk management with our rapid and efficient assessment tool. Tailored for contemporary organizations, this tool provides immediate insights into your own cyber risk or that of any organization you are evaluating.

Cyberrisk Rating Report

Instant cyber risk insight

A fast and accurate rating of the cyber risk in your digital environment which gives you immediate insight into your current security status.

Partner and supplier assessments

Extend your due diligence with a cyber risk rating for your partner or suppliers. Ensure your extended business ecosystem is as secure as your core operation.

RFP/Selection Process Integration

Seamless integration of our tool into your Request for Proposal (RFP) or vendor selection process to ensure that potential partners align with your security standards.

One-time payment
EUR 99.99

Navigate the digital environment, secure in the knowledge that you and your partners are prepared for any cyber challenges.

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